+38 067 327 8899
Full Access

Licensed background musicfor small businesses

Starting at 600 UAH/month

Limited budget? We have a solution!

FireBrands – the only company in Ukraine that offers in-store branding with 3 key human senses using the latest technologies.

FireBrands – the Ukrainian leader in sensory marketing, offers FULL ACCESS.

Do you have a small cafe, coffee shop, shoe store, beauty salon, etc.? We have an affordable solution to create the right music atmosphere for your clients. You just need to choose the type of business, music style or tempo, and leave the rest to us!
FireBrands – the Ukrainian leader in sensory marketing, offers FULL ACCESS.

Music channels for businesses

With 10 years of experience in this field, we know better than anyone else what music is needed – from beauty salons to shoe stores, from Georgian cuisine restaurants to coworking spaces.

By becoming a customer of our service, you receive a music license

and pay a royalty fee to authors and performers. How is it possible? What do I have to do? You don't have to do anything! The music is played legally in your establishment, and we take care of everything required by law.

We provide music reports

with the songs that are played in your establishment to the copyright organization for further distribution of royalties. This process is automated!

You just need to choose the music channel that best suits your clients’ music taste.

It's much easier to do this with «FULL ACCESS» than with any other music service in the country. Especially for this, we have developed a simple and convenient system of music filters that will help you even if you're confused and don’t really know what to play!

Licensed and popular music for:
coffee shop
beauty salon
massage salon
dental office
bus station

A music channel for your business without ads or radio DJs chatter

  • You subscribe and get full access to all 24/7 various genres music channels
  • You select one or more recommended music channels for your business.
  • We provide a convenient small device that can be controlled via your smartphone. The best music is played non-stop through this device.
*The final cost is calculated individually for each client and depends on the number of locations, format and area of the location.
* Required fields. By clicking the button you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the privacy policy

How to choose music if you have no idea?

We have launched a variety of genre-based music channels that you can "try on" for your interior design based on:

type of business
genre of music
  • all types
  • cafes / bars / restaurants
  • shopping
  • beauty salons / barbershops
  • offices / coworking spaces / business centers
  • medical facilities
  • other
  • all genres
  • deep house
  • ambient
  • blues
  • disco
  • edm
  • ethnic
  • funk
  • hip-hop
  • house
  • indie-rock
  • instrumental
  • jazz
  • k-pop
  • latin
  • lounge
  • nu disco
  • pop
  • pop rock
  • r&b
  • reggae
  • retro
  • rock
  • soul
  • synth pop
  • tech house
  • tropical house
  • all tempos
  • fast
  • middle
  • slow


Choose your type of business


cafes / bars / restaurants




beauty salons / barbershops


offices / coworking spaces / business centers


Which genre suits your business?


deep house








How fast do your customers' hearts beat?







Arabic Sounds Екзотичні звуки та етнічні аравійські мелодіі у цій музичній колекції.

Alternative Pop Поп музика для тих, хто терпіти не може поп музику.

Floating Clouds Інді та електроніка. Музична підбірка з особливим поглядом на світ.

Full Power Day Музика у стилі rock та hip-hop, щоб триматись у тонусі протягом дня.

Soundtrack Music Музика до кіно та анімаційних фільмів та серіалів.

Honey Time Якщо з музики робили би мед, то це була б саме ця музика.

Dolce Italia Італійський драйвовий рок та солодкий поп.

Brand Shop Топова музика, яка ідеально доповнює трендові колекції модного одягу.

Style&Fashion Стильна музика для модного шопінгу.

Sport Look Mix EDM для нон-топ шопінгу.

Bar Pop Соковиті треки для барної атмосфери.

Pub Rock Кращі рок-хіти від 70-их до сьогодення.

Food Place Pop Збірка популярної танцювальної музики для фуд-кортів.

Cocktail Bar Вечірня барна атмосфера під мелодійне nu-disco.

Dance House Party Клубний грув за вечірнім коктейлем.

Chillout Cafe Музика, що створює правильну атмосферу відпочинку.

SPA Relax Мелодії для гармонії стану під час сеансів масажу, занять йогою, медитацій.

Barbershop Rock У кріслі барбера під рок плейлист.

Jazz for Work Інтелектуальна музика для гурманів.

Office Lounge Ідеальний фон для легкого робочого настрою.

Enjoy Do It Поп, рок - хіти минулих років.

Oceans Of Emotions Музика у стилі funk, blues та soul для хвиль приємних та позитивних емоцій.

Medical Center Pop Мелодійний поп для хорошого настрою.

Fresh Pop Підбірка топових пісень прямо зараз.

Mainstream Pop Сучасна поп музика.

France POP Сучасна французська поп-музика.

K-POP К-ПОП хіти у нашому плейлисті.

Ukrainian Pop Улюблені пісні та зовсім свіжі треки українських виконавців у цій музичній добірці.

Georgian Music Особливе грузинське багатоголосся та сучасне звучання.

Good Day Cafe Позитивний поп для гарного настрою в обідній час

Trend Pop Coffee Bar Популярна музика, бадьорить як кава, тонізує, наче чай.

Light & Strong Bar Мікс нових та старих інді та рок пісень.

Basement Bar Електронна музика, що ідеально передає атмосферу клубного життя.

Reggae Cafe Завжди позитивні та сонячні ритми реггі.

Jeans Rock Модні, брендові джинси та сучасний альтернативний рок - завжди вдале поєднання.

Streetwear Mood Модний R&B для стильних колекцій.

Old Hits Market Поп, рок та соул хіти 70-80-их для супермаркетів.

Sunny Day Інді-поп музика, що осяює сонцем та торкається душі.

Boutique Music Свіжий та елегантний лаунж для вишуканої атмосфери.

Supermarket Pop Сучасна поп-музика у виконанні відомих та нових імен жанру.

Care & Beauty Час для себе під елегантну та вишукану музику.

Beauty Relax Естетичний плейлист для процедур краси та догляду.

Work Vibes Інструментальна музика для спокійної атмосфери.

Day Job Music Помірні pop та r&b треки для концентрації та зосередження під час роботи.

Rock for Work Old-rock хіти для підзарядки в робочий час.

Waiting Room Pop Мейнстрім поп у залі учікування.

Health Clinic Covers Спокійні кавер версії відомих пісень.

Pop Rock Feeling Новітній поп з елементами року.

Pop Memory Повернення до улюблених поп та поп-рок хітів.

Feelgood Acoustic Акустична музика для підняття духу. Відчуття щастя під фолк та легкий поп.

Island Vibe Легкий та розслаблений вайб під звуки тропікал-хаус.

Fun&Funky Позитивний музичний канал для ранкового настрою, радісного дня та вечірнього драйву.

Lounge Cafe Релаксуюча музика під ковток улюбленого напою.

Wine Glass Jazz Ніжний, мелодійний джаз під келих м'яких танінів.

Happy Time Lunch Суміш хітів останніх десятиліть в різних жанрах.

Feel Good Radio Позитивний музичний вайб під час сніданку.

Sneakers Beats Хіп-хоп для прогресивних і сучасних.

Electronic Vibe Обираємо сучасні гаджети під звуки новітньої електронної музики.

Grocery Shop Елегантна та стримана музика для неспішних покупок.

Flowershop Квітучий настрій під аромати поп музики.

Stylish Shopping Стильна музика для модного шопінгу.

Beauty Hall Pop Легка музика для просторів б'юті салону.

Salon Radio Енергійний мікс для позитивної атмосфери у салонах краси.

Front Desk Jazz Релаксуючий джаз.

Keep Calm and Work Кавер версії відомих пісень.

Office DJ Суміш сучасної поп та рок музики у спокійному ритмі.

Energy Coworking Танцювальна музика для підзарядки в робочій атмосфері.

Laidback Workplace Комфортний deep house для офісу.

Piano Covers Music Інструментальні фортепянні кавер версії відомих пісень.

Good Oldies Funk, soul та disco з минулих років. Класичні та маловідомі пісні, які дарують хороші відчуття.

Rap Workout Міцний біт для тренажерного залу.

Hip-Hop Top & Hits Хіп-хоп хіти без кордонів і обмежень.

Deep House Relax М'який та мелодійний хаус, що освіжає та поглинає.

Old Mood Збірка хороших пісень для ностальгічного настрою.

Pop Nostalgia Зануріться у пам'ять та пригадайте знову ці поп та рок хіти.

Dance Party Hits Вічна класика для вашої вечірки. Танці на денс-полі гарантовано.

Boogie Dance Не зупиняйся, поки не натанцюєшся!

Waiting Room Chill Очікування під приємний музичний вайб.

Health Center Retro Добра безтурботна класика від 60их до 90их.

R&B Classic Коли ритм і блюз поєднались у жанрі та захопили серця.

J-Pop Сучасна японська поп-музика.

Ritmo Latino Сучасні та класичні латинські ритми.

Pharmacy Спокійна інструментальна музика, що сприяє доброму самопочуттю.

Kids Store Традиційні дитячі пісні та саундтреки з мультфільмів.

Romantic Пісні про кохання для ідеальних побачень.

Magic Christmas В очікуванні дива - під легендарні пісні та святкові новинки.

Christmas Party Танцювальний мікс для новорічного настрою.

Halloween Веселі історії про привидів та монстрів.

We solve all music problems for small and medium businesses!

«Full Access» is the most convenient background music service in Ukraine. With 10 years of experience in this field, we at FireBrands have taken into account the most common requests from Ukrainian entrepreneurs who have been turning to us for all these years in search of a reliable and high-quality music provider for their businesses.

Will I have a music license,? How much does it cost?

Of course. If you do not have a license for music public performance at your establishment, you will receive it from us. Playing music in a public place without a music license is illegal.

If you already have a music license, you will only pay for our services and the cost of the license will not be charged. The cost of a music license for most business formats depends on the area, so the final amount can only be calculated after we receive all the necessary information.

I don't have an extra device that I can use exclusively for music...

When you become a «Full Access» by FireBrands customer, you will receive our Brand Media Player.

The BRAND MEDIA PLAYER is a tiny device that provides uninterrupted music streaming.

It was specifically designed for customers who cannot or do not want to use their computers or smartphones to play music.

In simple terms, it’s a miniature personal computer that performs all the necessary functions for non-stop music streaming. BRAND MEDIA PLAYER doesn’t care if you have good or poor internet, we guarantee uninterrupted broadcasting!

all included
DC adapter

Our current music service provider plays the same songs over and over again. How often do you add new music?

Every day! At FireBrands, we have three music editors who add several new songs to each music channel every day and change the music schedule.

This means that not only new songs are added daily, but also their sequence on air changes. For example, the song that played today at 10:00 will play at a different time tomorrow.

I don't understand how I will be able to control your player and choose music channels?

It’s simple. You can connect any employee’s smartphone at the location to the Brand Media Player in just a few seconds. No additional apps or programs need to be downloaded for the connection.

You can still use your smartphone as usual, and it won’t affect the operation of the Brand Media Player. The smartphone simply becomes a remote control for the player.


My establishment has unstable internet, the music keeps cutting out

Despite the fact that Ukraine has the best internet in the world in terms of price-quality ratio, even the most reliable providers sometimes experience problems. But if you have «Full Access» from FireBrands, you can forget about “bad internet” and “music cutting out.”

The Brand Media Player software is designed in such a way that all music channels are automatically downloaded to the device when there is internet, even if it’s unstable. New songs are also downloaded to the device when the music editor adds them to the playlist.

I'm not a music lover. I have no idea what music to play in my store!

As the owner and manager of a small shop, the final decision on what to play in your business is up to you, but we have developed a very simple and convenient music selection system specifically for people like you.

There are only three filters by which you can choose a music channel: BUSINESS TYPE, MUSIC GENRE, and MUSIC TEMPO.

These are the three most important characteristics in our industry!

In «Full Access», there are about 100 music channels, which is the largest selection of background music in the country, and their number is growing every month. We are confident that you will find something you like.

By choosing any channel, you can even see interior design examples of those businesses (restaurants, shops, etc.) for which, according to our music editors, a particular music channel would be suitable. Try it! It’s cool.

Instant notification of an air alarm

Unfortunately, time dictates its approaches, so today we have made a red button part of the interface that allows you to stop the music and launch an emergency notification about an air raid alert or other emergency situation directly from your smartphone.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Playlist that updates

You don't have to wait until the end of the month to hear new music on the air. We do it every day.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Music license

If you do not have a music license, it can be included in the service, and from now on, the music in your establishment will sound legally.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Best technical solutions on the market

Online broadcasting without interruptions – a convenient device that can be controlled from a smartphone.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Music variety

Music of different styles and sounds, just choose the music that is better fits your brand.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Customers safety

With the push of a button, instantly inform customers about an air raid alert or other urgent situation.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

High sound quality

All tracks are processed and comply with the same sound characteristics, so there will be no volume fluctuations on the air.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Playlist that updates

You don't have to wait until the end of the month to hear new music on the air. We do it every day.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Music license

If you do not have a music license, it can be included in the service, and from now on, the music in your establishment will sound legally.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Best technical solutions on the market

Online broadcasting without interruptions – a convenient device that can be controlled from a smartphone.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Music variety

Music of different styles and sounds, just choose the music that is better fits your brand.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Customers safety

With the push of a button, instantly inform customers about an air raid alert or other urgent situation.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

High sound quality

All tracks are processed and comply with the same sound characteristics, so there will be no volume fluctuations on the air.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Playlist that updates

You don't have to wait until the end of the month to hear new music on the air. We do it every day.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Music license

If you do not have a music license, it can be included in the service, and from now on, the music in your establishment will sound legally.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Best technical solutions on the market

Online broadcasting without interruptions – a convenient device that can be controlled from a smartphone.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Music variety

Music of different styles and sounds, just choose the music that is better fits your brand.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Customers safety

With the push of a button, instantly inform customers about an air raid alert or other urgent situation.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

High sound quality

All tracks are processed and comply with the same sound characteristics, so there will be no volume fluctuations on the air.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Music variety

Music of different styles and sounds, just choose the music that is better fits your brand.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Customers safety

With the push of a button, instantly inform customers about an air raid alert or other urgent situation.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

High sound quality

All tracks are processed and comply with the same sound characteristics, so there will be no volume fluctuations on the air.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Playlist that updates

You don't have to wait until the end of the month to hear new music on the air. We do it every day.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Music license

If you do not have a music license, it can be included in the service, and from now on, the music in your establishment will sound legally.

Advantages of FULL ACCESS by FireBrands

Best technical solutions on the market

Online broadcasting without interruptions – a convenient device that can be controlled from a smartphone.

Fire up your brand!

Exclusive, creative and technical solutions from the market leader in sensory marketing

* Required fields. By clicking the button you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the privacy policy

Fill in the form so that we know more about your business. This will allow us to make the most accurate offer at the first meeting.
